Our Core Values

As many of you have noticed, we recently wrote our core values in bold and bright colors on the chalkboard by the main doors. We want everyone to see them again here before we chat about what each one means to us. They are:

Your coaches and gym owners collectively created these values during our most recent offsite meeting. We started the process by writing down all of the words that describe the culture we strive to create. From there we consolidated and doubled down on the ideas we shared. After several iterations, we settled on these four statements.

Fun and Fitness is for everyone

We believe that regardless of any perceived limitations that you put on yourself or that others put on you that fun and fitness is for everyone. This belief speaks to the infinite scalability of CrossFit and our unwavering support of all who join us. We are always working to make everyone feel welcome within our orange and yellow walls. CrossFit, done well, can and should be fun. We work hard to create a place where friends can gather, push each other and cheer each other on to pursue their goals and have a great time doing it.

we are stronger together

There’s no doubt that we humans are by nature, social creatures and that over time authentic social elements have been slowly removed from our daily routines. This is both unfortunate and unhealthy. Coming together with others is a natural inclination that allows us to do things that alone were impossible. How many times have you come to class and been surprised at what you were able to accomplish with guidance and support? Our strength is in our numbers and our physicality flourishes when we have the support of those around us.

CrossFit Empowers Your best life

CrossFit is a strength and conditioning program designed to create general physical preparedness. We aim to build you a physical platform to say “Yes”. Yes, to feeling strong and taking up the space you deserve to take. Yes, to being on the slopes/trails/water all day and for longer into your lifespan that you thought was possible. Yes, to being a more patient and involved parent or grandparent. Yes, to whatever it is that lights your fire and gets thrown into your path. CrossFit will prepare you for the unknown and unknowable better than any other fitness program.

Progress never ends

Bottom line up front: CrossFit will always be hard. We believe that by pursuing the things that are hard we are working to reset baseline expectations for what fitness and progress looks like. Too often today immediate gratification reigns and we are accustomed to finite timelines. There is no arrival here. You’ll get fitter and then you’ll be able to push yourself more to develop new skills, try heavier loadings and shoot for faster times. We’re ALL IN on working hard and staying the course and we’re not easily swayed by distractions.

Next Steps for Us

These words on the chalkboard will lie flat (excuse my pun) if we don’t embody them and hold each other accountable to do the same. We must celebrate everyone who joins us, we were all the new person in class at one point. We must support each other through triumph and disaster, support is something we all need more of. We must remember why we come to train so that we can stay consistent through the ups and downs and have the chance at living a life that fulfills us. And we must learn to reset our expectations around progress, just because it’s not happening today doesn’t mean that it’s never going to happen.


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